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What Marathon Participants Want

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What Marathon Participants WantOrganizing a marathon is no easy feat. You have to take into account the myriad of logistical details involved in putting on a large-scale event like this. Of course, one of the most important aspects of any marathon is the participants themselves. After all, without them, there would be no race! So, what do marathon participants want? Below, we’ll discuss some of the most important things that runners are looking for when signing up for a marathon.

Fully-Stocked Aid Stations

One of the most important things that marathon participants want is fully-stocked aid stations. runners need to refuel and rehydrate regularly during a race, so it’s important to have plenty of water and Gatorade (or other sports drinks) on hand. You should also have a variety of snacks available, such as energy gels, bananas, and Pretzels.

A Good Course

Of course, another important thing that runners are looking for is a well-designed course. The route should be clearly marked and easy to follow. It’s also important to have enough volunteers stationed along the route to provide directions and assistance if needed.

Post-Race Refreshments

After crossing the finish line, runners will be eager to replenish their bodies with some much-needed calories. Therefore, it’s important to have a variety of refreshments available, such as water, sports drinks, fruit, cookies, and bagels.


As you can see, there are a few things that marathon participants want in order to have a positive experience. By taking these things into account and making sure that they’re included in your race planning, you’ll go a long way towards ensuring that your event is successful!

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